Cordyline terminalis 'Keelys Golden'


Cordyline terminalis 'Keelys Golden'

from $15.00

Cordyline terminalis 'Keelys Golden' 

Tropical foliage plants commonly used in Hawaiian landscaping.  This selection has tightly spaced short lance shaped foliage on a compact plant. Foliage is a rosey bronze. Bright shade or sun. color varied as it ages and by the amount of sun it receives. Easy to grow, with a strong upright habit, can be cut back to make bushy if so desired. Morning sun, or bright shade seems to bring of the most color. Different and really pretty. Signature plant of the tropics, in the lily family, commonly called Ti (pronounced tee). Full sun or bright shade, but can take more sun in the tropics and at the coast in Southern California.

Ti Plant


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