The first in the 7 series collection, Introducing Southern Bell, follows 7- year- old Bell on a typical day at school and opens with Bell sitting on a window ledge watching children play."
This book represents the proceedings from a conference that took place in Dallas in the spring of 1999 which was entitled "Pediatric Gender Assignment - A Critical Reappraisal".
This is therefore a rare volume where the world experts have come together to present the developments in this most important field of science in an almost pedagogical manner. This volume covers five aspects related to light.
In Sweet Potato Soul, Jenné revives the long tradition of using fresh, local ingredients creatively in dishes like Coconut Collard Salad and Fried Cauliflower Chicken.
This book should function to update physicians and surgeons interested in the field of cardiac surgery on the current state of knowledge on myocardial protection.
This book is designed to enhance the mechanistic understanding of signaling molecules and will be an important resource for plant biologists in developing stress tolerant crops to achieve sustainability under changing environmental ...
Delivering High-Quality Cancer Care: Charting a New Course for a System in Crisis presents a conceptual framework for improving the quality of cancer care.
Each profile has been paired with a delightful illustration from one of ten South Asian artists, this is a book for all ages - treasured by parents and children alike.