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... SAP, NDP, and economy-wide adjustment projects all suf- fered from having uneven levels of commit- ment, and ... jobs or are ro- tated.41 Also, in many projects, institutional de- velopment takes the form of short two-week or six ...
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... jobs . Accordingly , the dynamics of migration in Pakistan worked in a different direction than that taken in Africa ... ( SAP ) sponsored by the donor community including the World Bank , in which female education was given a high ...
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... ( SAP ) As a major thrust in bringing direct intervention for poverty ... jobs . A programme targeting job creation in existing small and medium ... Pakistan . The FMR is going to be constructed in the rural areas where an ...
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... job quota , etc. Besides , HRD programmes and SAP are contributing to improve female conditions . Rural labour demand share in the total labour demand is expected to decline from about 72 % in 1994-95 to 69 % in 2009-10 and urban share ...
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... Pakistan attained its objectives in the education sector via SAP or ... jobs , and second to ensure that the poor were contenders for these jobs ... Pakistan ( FBS ) started conducting annual surveys called the Pakistan ...
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... Pakistan and hence important to food security and nutrition. One reason for the fluctuating and uncertain population of Karachi is the regular movement of income earners from rural areas to Karachi for the better job prospects, and then ...
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... PAK BGD LKA C. Shares of workers in green jobs and pollution - intensive jobs Percent of workers 14 8 0.04 0.02 0.00 Actual consumption Beliefs D. Marginal probability of working in a green job Percentage points 4 □ Green jobs ...
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... Pakistan . The World Bank is providing support for provincial education ... SAP that contract NGOs to train communities . The Bank is experimenting with ... jobs . Savings can be generated from improved school efficiency because ...
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... ( SAP ) in 1987-88 , the socio - economic conditions of the poor ... jobs in the public sector were restricted as a result of a ban on ... Pakistan is told Chapter 15 Structural Adjustment Programmes in Pakistan 349.