The fourth installment in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series promises to be even more popular than its predecessors. The perfect gift for friends, family and business associates is now available in A 4th Course.
O poder dos quietos já vendeu mais de 3 milhões de exemplares no mundo todo, foi traduzido para 41 idiomas e passou quatro anos na lista de mais vendidos do The New York Times.
One part love story, one part practical advice, this compelling book includes several unique elements: Excerpts from Elaine’s journal, recounting her thoughts, concerns, and frustrations as the disease progresses A recurring feature ...
Now this powerful, step-by-step program will help you to: · Mobilize four key sources of energy · Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal · Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do · Create ...
Piensa como un monje te libera de la hipnosis del condicionamiento social y te ayuda a convertirte en el arquitecto de tu propia vida.» Deepak Chopra, profesor de Medicina de la Universidad de California y San Diego y autor best seller. ...
Now featuring a new introduction by Dr. M. Scott Peck, the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of the classic bestseller The Road Less Traveled, celebrated by The Washington Post as “not just a book but a spontaneous act of generosity.” ...
It Didn’t Start with You builds on the work of leading experts in post-traumatic stress, including Mount Sinai School of Medicine neuroscientist Rachel Yehuda and psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score.