The book is organized by species, with new inclusions of chinchillas, birds, and program and employee management, and is written and edited by known experts in the fields.
The Encyclopedia includes the following features: * Over 1,400 pages of informative articles arranged alphabetically for convenient location of information * 283 separate articles commissioned especially for this volume and thoroughly peer ...
The dime novel and dude ranch, the barbecue and rodeo, the suburban ranch house and the urban cowboy—all are a direct legacy of nineteenth-century cowboy life that still enlivens American popular culture.
Written by renowned livestock authorities, these volumes draw on the authors' lifelong interest and involvement in livestock breeds of the world, presenting a unique, comprehensive and fully cross-referenced guide to cattle, buffalo, horses ...
Extensively illustrated with many practical examples and over 150 photos and figures, the book will be essential reading for animal science and veterinary students.
The book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the neurosciences. Senior undergraduates should also find the atlas a useful adjunct to readings and lectures in brain anatomy and function.
Provides a guide for handling livestock animals, focusing on more humane treatment techniques, and discusses planning and designing a handling facility, corral and loading ramp layouts for ranches, and other related topics.