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subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
Apărută la Editura Tehnică în anul 1989 în colecția “Probleme și aplicații pentru ingineri”, lucrarea este utilă inginerilor electrotehnicieni sau energeticieni, oferind formule și modele concrete și originale de calcul.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
Tribologisch hoch beanspruchte Gleitsysteme wie Hochdruckpumpen für die Benzindirekteinspritzung besitzen ein Belastungskollektiv, das Werkstoffe mit niedrigen Reibungszahlen und geringem Verschleiß bei gleichzeitig hoher mechanischer ...
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
In diesem Buch wird ein FE-Modell zur Vorhersage der Geräuscheigenschaften einer Axialkolbeneinheit entwickelt.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
Join with me in spreading the news to implement this FUSION process and eliminate the energy crisis forever-Hello, my name is Solomon Azar- and I fundamentally believe I HAVE FOUND THE ROAD TO SAFE CLEAN NUCLEAR FUSION- I have performed an ...
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
Das Bueh ist naeh seinem Inhalt eine zweite, erweiterte Auflage des im Jahrbuch der Sehiffbauteehnisehen Gesellschaft 1907 ver5ffentliehten Vortrages "Entwiekelung und Zukunft der groGen Segelsehiffe".
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
This is a practical shop book for all interested in accurate tool and die making, steel treatment, drop forging, die sinking, power presses and modern shop practice in the production of duplicate metal parts.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
Lucrarea a fost tipărită cu ocazia aniversării a 50 de ani de la apariția primului număr al revistei Energetica, cuprinzând informații despre 116 personalități care și-au consacrat întreaga activitate energeticii româneşti.
subject:"Technology & Engineering / Engineering (General)" from
Presents technologies and key concepts to produce suitable smart materials and intelligent structures for sensing, information and communication technology, biomedical applications (drug delivery, hyperthermia therapy), self-healing, ...