Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson , which we have described above , but a single metal tube , bent at right angles , and passing through a ... Xylo - Styptic Ether Spray , and also a Ferro - Styptic Ether , as hæmostatic agents , as more efficient 1 than pure Ether ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson's xylo - styptic , Dr. Richardson on 372 382 Femoral artery , Prof. Syme on ligature of the Fergusson Sir W. , on recurring fibroid disease of the shoulder Fever , Dr. Bence Jones on Editor of Lancet on the value of the ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson's tests for purity of .. 56 203 53 375 .. - - spray , Mr. Hicks's case of post - partum hemorrhage arrested by spray apparatus for inducing local anesthesia , Dr. Richardson's spray . xylo - styptic , Dr. Richardson on 55 330 ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson's " 6 xylo - styptic , Dr. Richardson on 66 " " ( · Mr. Hicks's case of post - partum hemorrhage arrested by Eulenberg , Dr. A. , on the physiological and therapeutical action of narceia Excision of the knee - joint , Dr ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson's apparatus ) is to be attached , and then it may be worked in the same manner as Richardson's ... Xylo - Styptic Spray , and also a Ferro- Styptic Ether , as hemostatic agents , as more efficient than pure ether in ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson's apparatus ) is to be attached , and then it may be worked in the same manner as Richardson's ... Xylo - Styptic Spray , and also a Ferro- Styptic Ether , as hemostatic agents , as more efficient than pure ether in ...
Xylo Richardson from
A. C. Richardson , The synthesis of D - daunosamine N - benzoate , J. Chem . Soc . Chem . Commun . ( 1965 ) 627-628 ... xylo- hexose , Carbohydr . Res . , 8 ( 1968 ) 19–28 . Y. Ali and A. C. Richardson , Nucleophilic replacement ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson's Xylo - Styptic Ether ; or , as it is now called Styptic Colloid ; and so , I propose , this evening ( on the supposition that its merits have not been fully settled ) , to lay before you a few cases ( illustrative of its ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson's Xylo - Styptic Æther ; or , as it is now called Styptic Colloid ; and so , I propose , this evening ( on the supposition that its merits have not been fully settled ) , to lay before you a few cases ( illustrative of its ...
Xylo Richardson from
... Richardson , a gentleman who has been connected with the “ Times ” newspaper for nearly forty years , has lately published his " Recollections , Political , Literary , Dramatic , and Miscellaneous , of the last Half Century ; contain ...