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"I have been a student of M&R for many years, though always in non-technical positions as a professional marketer for products and services companies in the industrial space. I realized whenever I studied Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices... Google Books
Originally published: 2009
Author: Ramesh D. Gulati
(138) · $62.25 · Free delivery
A must-read for anyone who wants to stay competitive in today's industrial environment, and By far the best book on maintenance management.
40% additional questions throughout the book, making it easier for those preparing to sit for a professional maintenance and reliability exam to learn and study ...
This practical resource will help seasoned professionals and novices understand the basic principles of maintenance and reliability.
This recently revised 3-day, highly interactive course is designed to build global-best-practice-knowledge regardless of the learner's starting point.
Contents ; Planning and Scheduling. 71 ; Materials Parts and Inventory Management. 99 ; Measuring and Designing for Reliability. 127.
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What is maintenance and reliability?
What is the main goal of maintenance and reliability decisions?
Why maintenance and reliability are considered strategically important?
This self-paced course is approximately 32+ hours in duration, 13 modules in a self-paced format complete with video tutorials, instruction with questions- ...
The document provides an overview of a book on maintenance and reliability best practices that discusses various topics such as culture, leadership, work ...
$89.95 Free 3–7 day delivery In stock
A must-read for anyone who wants to stay competitive in today's industrial environment, and By far the best book on maintenance management.
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