Rasles from
... Rasles, William Edward Gould, Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings. The remaining history of Cork , so far as now as- certained , is brief . Conferences with the irritated na- tives , appeals to recent treaties and agreements , threats even ...
Rasles from
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
Rasles from
... Rasles not for what he gives them but for his receptivity to them — that is his gift . 8ri8rie ! —the word symbolically attests to Rasles's sensitivity to what is strange and difficult in the Indi- ans , for he has heard that which no ...
Rasles from
Maine Historical Society. Underneath this record of Father Rasles is an- other : - Taken after the fight at Norridgewock among Father Rasles ' papers , and given by the late Col. Heath to Elisha Cook , Esq . And then , together with some ...